Thursday, November 17, 2016

Uglies: Shay’s Story Great Graphic Novels for Teens (2013)

Westerfeld, S., Grayson, D. K., & Cummings, S. (2012). Uglies: Shay's story. New York: Del Rey.

Shay is six months from turning 16 and getting her surgery to become “pretty”.  She will have plastic surgery to become “perfect”, but she meets a boy, Zane, and his friends.  They call themselves “Crims” for criminals and like to play tricks on people.  They ride hover boards out into the wild past the city and find a group that resists becoming “pretty” and live like humans used to.  Shay has to decide…does she stay “ugly” in the wild or does she turn “pretty” and live like everyone else?

The entire Uglies series is a science fiction read that uses medical surgery to make people “pretty” when they turn 16.  This particular book is told from Shay’s point of view and gives a glimpse of what went on before Uglies, which is told from Tally Youngblood’s point of view.  The bulk of the book keeps a relatively normal teen life with school, friends, friends leaving, and wanting to look beautiful.  The science fiction comes in play because everyone is perfect and beautiful once they turn 16.  Westerfield keeps the theme of looks aren’t everything and there is more to life and people than looks in play throughout the entire book and we see Shay struggle with her decision and makes the decision to stay true to herself.  I can see this for middle school and up.  

Series by Scott Westerfield:


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