Thursday, November 17, 2016

Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes

Crutcher, C. (1993). Staying fat for Sarah Byrnes. New York, NY: Greenwillow Books.

Eric Calhoune, AKA Moby, is an outcast.  He is fat.  He best friend is a girl, Sarah Byrnes, who is also an outcast.  She is severely burned.  The two of them are inseparable all through middle school and have an us-against-the-world view, even getting in trouble with Mr. Mautz, the principal.  As they transition to high school, Eric is asked to join the swim team and he finds that he enjoys it.  But as he is swimming and training he starts to lose weight, so he eats more to stay fat because he doesn’t want to let Sarah down and he wants her to still feel like he is an outcast like her.  She lets Eric off the hook and tells him to quit overeating.  They are able to stay friends, but her past catches up to her and she stops talking.  As she is admitted to a mental hospital, Eric helps her confront her past and finally break free. 

In Staying Fat for Sarah Byrnes Crutcher brings us up and down through his storytelling and by using flashbacks to give us background information on how things got to where they are in the story now. There are parts that are funny, like when Sarah and Eric create a newspaper and it catches the attention of the principal and he pleads the fifth or when he is in a CAT class at school and he tells off another kid.  But there is more seriousness to this book when we realize Sarah’s dad purposefully burned her when she was three and now seems to want to harm her even more or a kid in Eric’s class tries to commit suicide.  Crutcher also brings up subjects about abortion and religion, but he never really gets too deep in or gives a bias.  With Eric telling the story we see his views, but they are not strong and he also struggles with what he believes.  This book would be fine for 7th and up. 

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