Friday, November 11, 2016


Nonfiction is such a wide array of books including topics, formats, and anything pretty much that doesn’t fit under fiction.  When evaluating nonfiction one should consider:

  • ·       Is the author an expert?
  • ·       Are the facts accurate?
  • ·       What is the purpose of the book?
  • ·       How is the book organized?
  • ·       Are there visuals?

We need to teach students to evaluate nonfiction and not just judge a book based on what the author tells us is true.  They need to know whether the author is being objective and presenting clear and accurate facts and information.  Does the author give sources, glossary, notes, timelines, index, and table of contents?  Is the information is too narrow or too broad?  Is the text overwhelming?  Is there a balance of visuals and text?

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