Friday, November 11, 2016

Fantasy and Science Fiction

If there is unrealistic characters, worlds, actions, language, or such then it will fall under fantasy.  Science fiction falls under fantasy and includes an element of science.  The characters must still be consistent in the way they behave and follow the fantasy world rules.  The themes should still be universal. 

Some different science fiction subjects are apocalyptic/ post-apocalyptic, steampunk/biopunk/cyberpunk, dystopia, ESP, robots/ cyborgs/ AI, Space/aliens/ ET, virtual reality/ gaming, and time travel/ parallel universe. 

I am so glad to understand what the “punk” types are.  I was thinking I understood it, but wasn’t sure.  Steampunk (steam powered machinery, usually Victorian time), cyberpunk (hacking, computer technology, futuristic, bleak and dark), and biopunk (hackers, human DNA, medical).

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