Friday, November 11, 2016

The Development of Adolescents

  • ·       Physical development aka puberty J  Kids want to know are they normal, but everyone develops at a different time and in a different way.  Adolescence is a hard time and we need to provide books that help them realize they are normal and will survive this time. 
  • ·       Intellectual development also ranges with concrete to abstract learning.  Adolescents will start to be able to think abstractly but they will need some scaffolding.  We need to provide them a gradual release from concrete to abstract. 
  • ·       Developmental stages will range from learning to get along with others, including the opposite sex.  Their relationships with their parents change and what their role is.  They start to think about what job they will want to do and that working for pay.  They start to become independent and develop their own views and values.
  • ·       Needs for kids have to be met starting with physical needs and they need to feel safe.  They have to have their hunger, sleep, illness needs met before we can meet their love and belonging or their esteem met.  They need a physical and emotional safe place.  We need to show an interest them as a person and show them respect.  We need to teach kids they can be anything they want to be. 
  • ·       Develop kids to be lifelong readers.  We can develop readers with serial reading through genres, authors, or series of books.  We need to create empathy, but also use books as mirrors to see themselves in books.    They also need windows to see others and how they live and for enjoyment.  

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