Thursday, November 17, 2016

Grasshopper Jungle: A History

Smith, A. (2014). Grasshopper jungle: A history. New York, NY: Dutton Books.

Austin is a 16 year old boy who is best friends with Robby Brees.  Austin tells of his history and the history of the end of the world.  Robby is gay and Austin is associated with him and people assume he is also gay, but he is conflicted about that because he also loves his girlfriend, Shannon.  Robby and Austin get beat up and that starts the end of the world.  After the fight Robby smears his blood in the asphalt that the plague strain uses to grow and develop.  The strain takes over human hosts and turns into praying mantis type bugs.  The boys and some others make it to a shelter that was designed to protect them from the bugs, but the rest of the world is unprepared for the Unstoppable Soldiers. 
Grasshopper Jungle is a science fiction book.  At the beginning you think things are going to be normal.  A story about two friends and the struggles they go through as teenagers, but that quickly turns into the end of the world.  The boys unwittingly witness the unleash of man-eating mantises and this book is Austin telling the story of what happened.  Through the story we hear a repetitive strain of Austin tying together his history and how things are interconnected, of roads crossing and re-crossing until it is where he is now.  Smith does an excellent job of giving us just enough normal to believe that this strain could happen, but also enough unrealistic events to know this could never happen.  This book is definitely for high school students. 

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