Thursday, November 17, 2016

The Strange Case of Origami Yoda

Angleberger, T. (2010). The strange case of Origami Yoda. New York, NY: Amulet Books.

Tommy has decided to research Origami Yoda by making a case file of all the strange stories involving Origami Yoda.  He has each kid write their story of how Origami Yoda helped them.  Tommy is trying to decide if Origami Yoda can actually predict the future and if he should listen to his advice about asking a girl he really likes to dance at the school fun night.  Origami Yoda was created (folded) by Dwight, a really weird guy at school.  No one knows if it is Dwight giving the advice or if Origami Yoda is really giving the advice.  Tommy is determined to find out.

Anglegerger gives us a glimpse into middle school angst and trying to find your place in the world of school.  He does this by telling a story that has Tommy looking for reassurance that the advice Origami Yoda is giving is accurate. The book is created in a “case file” of stories Tommy is collecting from other students who have gotten advice from Yoda.  Some are sceptics and some believe.  The books format and printing makes it look like a journal of papers that are wrinkled and written by different people.  In the end we learn to take chances and that sometimes we can find friends in unlikely places. This book is fine for upper elementary and up although I'm not sure how many high schoolers would read it.  

Books in the series:

Darth Paper Strikes Back
The Secret of the Fortune Wookiee
The Surprise Attack of Jabba the Puppett
Emperor Pickletine Rides the Bus

Princess Labelmaker to the Rescue

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