Thursday, November 17, 2016


Telgemeier, R. (2012). Drama. New York, NY: Graphix.

Middle school, ah, the drama.  Callie is in theater and meets two boys who are twins, Justin and Jesse.  She has a crush on a boy, Greg as well.  She gets to know Justin and Jesse and finds out Justin is gay.  She then develops a crush on Jesse and hopes he will ask her to the 8th grade dance.  As the play gets going and the set designing gets worked out and completed the drama heats up.  Jesse finally asks Callie to the dance and then during the dance skips out on her for a few hours.  She ends up walking home with Greg, but realizes he’s not the guy for her after all and then Jesse admits he’s also gay, but just didn’t realize it.

Telgemeier uses a graphic novel format to discuss a touchy subject, homosexuality.  Middle school students are trying to find their identity and struggle with who they want to become and what they want to become and fitting in.  It is a difficult time in any middle schooler’s life, much less when you are in the minority.  All types of students are portrayed and any student will find themselves in the book from a nerd, technical thinker, to a creative “out there” girl.  In the end we are all the same inside, we all have feelings and we all have the same opportunity to find the true us. I would recommend this for 7th grade and up through high school.  

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