Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Screencasts, Instagram and Vines, oh my...

I am having too much fun.  I am playing with screencasts and tried out several and looked for ones that were free to use.  I looked in to JingScreencast-o-matic, and Adobe Spark.  The first one I used was Screencast-O-Matic.  When you register for it you use it you download it to your desktop or you can use it from the webpage.  It pops up a screen that you can make to the size you want.  It will record for 15 minutes at a time, which is probably plenty for a quick lesson on all kinds of things.  I can really see this being used in a flipped classroom or as a resource to help students (or parents) use databases or searches at home. It puts a little yellow circle around the mouse so you can help show what you are doing on the screen.  I used this to show how to use the card catalog from school.

The next screencast tool I used was Jing.  I used this to show how to make an Adobe Spark.  The downside to Jing is that it is only 5 minutes, so it got to a point I felt like I was rushing.  You can also see that I ran out of time and it cut my video off at the end, but it got the gist across.  Jing downloads to your computer and you again can use it to make a screencast, but you can also use it to do a screenshot.  Each way you can send the link from screencast.com and send things to people. When I downloaded it to my computer it puts a little yellow half sun at the top of my screen and from there I can capture, get my history, or use settings.  There was also a get started slideshow so it was easy to figure out.

From there here is the full Adobe Spark video I made.

Okay, on to some social media.  I set up an new account in Instagram for work/school.  I was able to add it to my current account on my phone so that I can toggle between the two and get notifications on both accounts, private and public.  With Instagram I can foresee using it to create interest in new books or materials in the library or book reviews.  It is mostly pictures with a few words.  Again, I think promoting the account is a priority or no one will know it's there.  My account is readings_my_thing and will be used mostly reading stuff, but also some fun things as well.

A photo posted by Jennifer Hill (@readings_my_thing) on

A photo posted by Jennifer Hill (@readings_my_thing) on

Next I made a Vine account.  It is six seconds of craziness.  Now supposedly they are trying out some longer videos, not sure how long, but six seconds goes by quick.  It was not as intuitive as other apps are and I had to do some googling to find out how to get it to record.  Here is my first attempt. It'll almost make you sick...I could see the green lighting up, but didn't figure out I needed to hold it down to record LOL.

Here is after I figured it out...

I'm not exactly sure how I will use it, however,  there are tons of videos on how to do stop motion or reviews so I will keep thinking and researching and figure it out.


  1. I like the idea of creating a separate account on Instagram for the library/classroom. I am going to look into making one too. I did not feel comfortable setting my own personal Instagram on public.

  2. Jennifer,
    I loved your Jing on how to make an Adobe Spark using a video. I think this will be a great tool to use in the classroom and library. Thanks so much for sharing this video.
    Buffie Smith

  3. These are all great tools to use in the classroom. I liked your Instagram caption about middle school and those books by James Patterson. My students get a kick out of them. Also, that was smart making a separate account for Instagram. I already had my own personal and now might be time to set one that can truly be public for work. Thanks!

  4. Jennifer,
    I enjoyed creating my screencasts as well. I think that having this knowledge will not only benefit us, but our students and teachers as well. We will be able to create videos for all of our patrons to use to help them with a variety of things. We can also show teachers how to use these so that they will able to create videos for their students.
    Great post,
    Naomi Emory

  5. I was also thinking of creating a separate Instagram account for professional/educational purposes. The one I have is personal and set to private. Great point.
    P.S. Your yorkie is adorable!

  6. Good point about leaving off the top and bottom of your page. That can be really distracting. All of your presentations made it seem easy and fun!
