Friday, July 15, 2016


I have made a podcast before, but I really don't like them because I feel like I sound like a hick!  I would imagine lots of people feel weird about how they sound, and I guess I just need to get over it.  I can see using podcasts in the classroom for lots of things.  I think it would be great as a reader's theater, interview, or just a response to anything they've read.  One thing that struck me as I researched using podcasts in the classroom was a teacher that used a podcast called "Serial" and had his students listening to it and then using it as a springboard for activities in the classroom.  It let to critical thinking and listening/speaking skills.  I used several podcast creators:  Soundcloud, Audioboom, and Podomatic.  I also added a bonus one Podbean, that I had already used and I'll speak to which ones I liked and why at the end.  The biggest challenge was figuring out what to talk about. I asked my high school daughter what she would want to listen to, but she was really no help because she wants to listen to teacher drama. LOL.  She said she wouldn't be interested in listening, she would rather read directions she I figured things out on my own.  I tested each one with a read aloud.

The first program I used was SoundCloud.  I downloaded it to my iPad, but you cannot record from there. I had to search for how to use it and record.  I found that you can record from an Android device or a computer.  I chose the computer.  Once I found where to record I hit record and went from there.  You also have options to upload a picture, tags, etc.  It walks you through once you find out where to go.  Here is my recording of Koala Lou by Mem Fox.

The second program I used was PodOmatic.  This one was difficult to use in that I had to record somewhere else and then upload to PodOmatic.  It took me awhile to figure that out after looking at youtube videos and searching on how to record.  Again I had downloaded it to my iPad, but was unable to record from there. I ended up using the voice recorder on my laptop and then uploading the file. I also uploaded a picture.  Again I used a book, Tree of Cranes by Allen Say.

Next I used Audioboom.  It used to be Audioboo, but has converted or joined Audioboom.  I downloaded the app on my iPad and was able to record from there!  I went under my profile and was able to record on my iPad.  I can share from there or I logged in on my computer and got the embed code. I could have added a picture here as well, but there really wasn't one to go with it so I didn't.  I read "Ode to my Southern Drawl" by Kathi Appelt because I feel like that's how I sound.  LOL...

Bonus:  Podbean.  I had previously used this in another class and really liked the ease of using it.  I downloaded it on my iPad and click record and voila!  I then logged in online and got the embed code.  But you can publish it straight from the app to facebook or twitter.

Hope you enjoyed listening...I still will have to do some thinking of how to work this into the classroom and get over hearing myself talk.  ;)


  1. Jennifer,
    I'm pretty sure we all think we sound funny on recordings. I always think I sound funny. Don't worry- I love hearing people talk with their "Southern Drawl. " Your podcasts are really good. I feel your pain when asking our own children for help. Mine always make me feel like I know nothing.:) It is nothing to them to have technology in a lesson. They grew up with it. Great post! We are getting close to having another 3 hours. Keep up the good work!
    Buffie Smith

  2. Very nicely done! Your critique of the different webapps was really useful. I liked how you used a podcast to talk about podcasting. And we didn't even talk about the many podcasts to entertain, share information, and make you think!
