Friday, June 11, 2021

The Nightmare Thief by Nicole Lesperance


Maren lives in a town that is full of magical creations.  Maren's family happens to have dream magic.  Her grandmother, mother, sister and she can create dream packets from items.  They can be good dreams or nightmares.  Maren's sister is in the hospital after being in a car wreck.  She is in a coma and Maren wants her to wake up.  Maren breaks the one rule about dreams, you can't give a dream without their person's consent.  She gives her a dream about flying and someone sees her.  Mrs. Malo wants lots of nightmares, but she can only by three at a time and she gets Maren to steal her 12.  Maren knows she is up to no good and doing something bad, but she doesn't want her grandmother or anyone else to find out about her giving her sister the dream.  As things progress, Maren has to decide to keep her secret or tell and save her family and town.  

I really enjoyed this MUCH more than Lesperance's story The Wide Starlight.  This is the first of a duology and I can't wait for the next one.  

Book Trailer

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