Sunday, June 20, 2021

Breathing Underwater by Sarah Allen


Three years ago Olivia and her sister Ruth moved across the country with their parents.  Before they left California, they buried a time capsule and on their move played a treasure hunt.  Ruth has not been doing so well and Olivia plans to do another treasure hunt on a trip back across the US without Ruth knowing so she can surprise her and hopefully it will help Ruth feel better.  As they journey progresses Ruth makes it REALLY hard for Olivia and Olivia notices Ruth is kind of going down, but she doesn't know how to "fix" her.  Things kind of come to a head, but in the end sisters are sisters.  

Really loved this book for many reasons.  Olivia is so real and we see her thoughts and emotions as she is dealing with her sister's illness.  Ruth for giving real examples of what living with depression can look like and that at a teenagers age it is real and must be dealt with.  I think we need this book for empathy and either windows or doors for our students.  

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