Wednesday, June 30, 2021

The Gilded Girl by Alyssa Colman


Set in 1906 New York, Emma is a wealthy girl sent to school to learn how to kindle her magic so she can keep it forever.  Izzy on the other hand is a maid, who has magic, but will not be able to keep it since she is poor.  Emma's father is killed in an accident and she is then penniless.  She is put to work at the school to pay off her debts.  She and Izzy decide they will learn how to kindle their magic and keep it and in the process start an almost revolution for those who are less fortunate to have the rights to keep their magic.  

I liked the story.  It was okay, but not the best.  I really can't point to any one thing.  It had plenty of intrigue, girl power/ confidence, a talking cat, and an evil head mistress.  I would recommend it to my magical loving students.  

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