Friday, June 11, 2021

Never After: The Thirteenth Fairy by Melissa De la Cruz


Filomena Jefferson-Cho is so excited because the 13th and final book of her favorite series, Never After, is coming out today!  As she goes to the bookstore to grab her copy, she finds that there are no copies and there will NEVER be any copies!  She is so disappointed, but as she leaves she encounters someone following her and ends up getting swept up in an adventure.  She meets Jack Stalker, the main character from the series!! He gets her to come with him to Never After and try to save their world, but she gets scared and leaves.  Once she gets home she decides to re-read the books and notices they have changed, and not for the better.  She must go back to help fix things and as she tells her parents she discovers who she really is. 

This was a book that intertwines the real world with a fantasy world.  It was okay for me, I didn't love it.  It was a quick read and I'm sure there are some tween girls who would love it.  


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