Wednesday, June 30, 2021

rez dogs by Joseph Bruchac


Malian was visiting her  grandparents when COVID-19 shut the country down.  Her parents decided to leave her there and she attended school online (when her internet was working) so that her grandparents didn't catch the illness.  One day a dog showed up and becomes her friend and protector.  It brings out stories from her grandparents of animal stories from their tribe and   also memories of their growing up years and her parents as well and how they were treated.  

I really enjoy learning about the Native American culture.  Bruchac always does a great job of bringing to light little known  information and writes in a way kids (and adults) can understand.  I think the general public needs more of this information and I was shocked that social services would still come in like they had in the past to remove kids without just cause. 

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