Friday, June 11, 2021

The Circus of Stolen Dreams by Lorelei Savaryn


Disclaimer:  I listened to the audio.

Andrea's little brother went missing from their house three years ago.  Her parents are divorced, and her mother has decided to get rid of Francis's things.  Andrea can't stand the thought of Francis being gone forever and his things so she leaves to take a walk and encounters a magical circus where the price of admission is a dream.  She pays the price and enters a world unlike anything she has ever seen. Penny shows her around and introduces her to a dream about flying, pirates and then challenges her to go into a nightmare.  There is always a way out, but don't stay in a nightmare too long.  The Dream Clock seems to never move time and as Andrea and Penny discover that something is amiss they have to figure out how to escape from the circus.

I liked this book, but it was a little slow getting into it.  Andrea is dealing with her parents divorce and loss of her little brother.  It has a dark feel to it, but good wins in the end.  

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