Saturday, April 24, 2021

Star Daughter by Shveta Thakrar

 Disclaimer:  I listened to the audio.

Sheetal is half human, half star.  Her mother returned to the heavens when she was young.  She is now 16, almost 17 and she is hearing star song and feeling called to the heavens.  She has to dye her hair to cover up the silver shining tresses.  As she accidentally burns her father and gives him a heart attack.  Her aunt and cousin help her get to the heavens to her mother to try to get a drop of star blood to heal him.  As she travels to the heavens, she meets her mother and her side of the family.  She is wrangled into a talent competition to represent her house to be in charge of the heavens.

Not my favorite.  Lots of Indian mythology and words that were not explained.  I don't think this will appeal to many kids unless they are familiar with Hindu and know the history and language.  I liked Aru Shah series better.  

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