Thursday, April 1, 2021

Recommended For You by Laura Silverman

 Shoshanna is working in an independent bookstore, Once Upon, for the holiday season.  It is her home away from home.  She loves the owner, the books, the customers and helping people find their perfect book.  The owner hires a new worker, Jake, who is a non-reader and Shoshanna and he do NOT hit it off.  In fact, they rub each other the wrong way.  The owner starts a contest for whoever sells the most books will win a $250 bonus.  Shoshanna really wants to win so she can have enough money to fix her old car.  She is working double shifts and has a great chance to win, but Jake is also trying to win and the rivalry really starts up.  

Shoshanna is also dealing with her moms not getting along at home and she is worried they will get divorced.  Then she hears that Once Upon may be closing!  Overall, a diverse, clean romance with some real life struggles thrown in.

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