Monday, April 19, 2021

Black Canary: Breaking Silence (DC Icons #5) by Alexandra Monir

 Dinah Lance lives in Gotham City, but after all the superheroes have disappeared.  She lives with her dad (who is a policeman), as her mom has already passed away in a car accident.  It is a type of dystopian society, where girls are the underdogs.  They can't sing, they have to dress a certain way, behave a certain way and pretty much have no rights.  Dinah LOVES music and she has heard that there is a vault in the Opera House that might have recordings of female singers!  She enlists her friends Mandy and Ty and they set off to break in, but are interrupted by a Talon, who is there to protect the Opera House.  As Dinah is fighting off the Talon, her dad shows up and intervenes for her and makes a deal to work with the Court of Owls (government).  As she meets a new student, Oliver Queen, and gets required to attend a citywide ball with him, things start to take a turn as the resistance crashes the party and people are injured and killed.  After she meets Barbara Gordon and learns her mom's secret.  She was the Black Canary and had a Canary Cry that she used as a weapon.  Dinah learns she is able to use singing to have superhuman hearing and  that Oliver also has a secret weapon.  Dinah, Oliver, and a few more begin to fight back against the system that holds them down.  

I'm not a big fan of superhero type stuff, but this book was a pretty fun read.  I had never heard of the Black Canary, so it was interesting to learn about another superhero in Gotham City.  Dinah is a strong female character and learns to stand up for herself.  

An excerpt from the book:

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