Saturday, April 24, 2021

Alone by Megan E. Freeman

What would you do if you woke up and everyone was gone?  Could you survive on your own?  That is what happened to 12 year old Maddie.  She and her two best friends hatch a plan to spend the night at her grandparents apartment by themselves.  Her friends are unable to come at the last minute and she ends up alone with her divorced parents thinking she is spending the night at the other one's house.  During the night she hears trucks rumbling and men talking and she is scared, so she doesn't look out the window or see what is going on.  When she wakes up in the morning she has missed calls and text messages from her parents and her friends telling her they will catch up to her thinking she is with the other parent.  Thus begins her three years of survival on her own.

Written in verse, this book reads fast and you want to keep reading to find out if she ever gets found.  Great survival story set in Colorado, in a type of dystopian setting with a dog!  Really enjoyed this one.


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