Thursday, June 23, 2016

Library Blogs and a place to keep them all straight...

Blogs for me are a wonderful thing.  I love them, read them, and get sucked down into them.  Just like following the white rabbit down the hole, I go from one post to another, which leads to another, and so on.  But sometimes I just don't have tons of time to read them all so I needed a way to keep up with my blogs and have a place to go back to read them when I had time.  I had already been using Flipboard for other ways to see news and such, but I didn't know I could also use it for keeping up with my blogs, but after doing a little searching, voila, you sure can!  I created a "magazine" to keep my library blogs in and just titled it "Library Blogs".  The thing I like about Flipboard is that I have it on my iPad, Android phone, and of course my computer.  I also like how you "flip" the pages on your mobile device and it feels like a magazine or book.  With Flipboard you can also share your magazines and your entire boards.  If you look to the right you will see I have added my Flipboard Library Blogs magazine. Flipboard can also share to my social media if I want it to.  The cost for Flipboard!

The website is There are many more out there as well.  Here was a site I used to compare.  You may find one suits your needs better.

So now let's talk blogs and ones I like.  I have been following Naomi Bates for about 9 months.  I found her blog last fall when I had to do a podcast on an innovative person in library science.  Her blog is: And the thing I like about her blog is she covers lots of books and usually gives a grade level range for what she thinks it is for.  She also covers some technology and author information.

Another blog I recently found has a blog and a tumblr blog.  The links are   for the regular blog and   for the tumblr blog.  She mainly posts book reviews for young adult books, on occasion she will post something else.  I like that she reads about 300 books a year and gives lots of reviews.  It is helpful when I haven't read a book to have recommendations for students.  Her tumblr is mainly reposts and some have to do with libraries and some are just fun posts.

The next blog I found through a discussion board.  I also won a book from her!  Her blog is I really like her reviews and they are usually of books I've not heard of.  Last spring I commented on one of her blog posts and was chosen to win that book.  I haven't read it yet, but I really want to...maybe later this summer.  :)

The tumblr blog I really like is because it is a great resource for new and upcoming books, if you like this book, read this, and just fun booky type stuff like videos, gifs and memes.  

The last blog I am going to highlight is for library displays.  I find this will be useful when I have a library to keep my creative juices going to have displays that will draw students into reading, because isn't that what it's all about?  Getting students reading.

I did create my own tumblr and will be posting things there...for fun and for teens wanting reading ideas.  Go check it out:

Book Stuff For Teens Tumblr


  1. Thanks for sharing your favorite blogs, I am going to have to check those out. I am currently following creative library displays, too. She has many great ideas for drawing students attention to the library.

  2. The YA blogs you followed are very good. I am going to start following them. It enticed me to read some of the YA books on there.

  3. Hi Jennifer!
    Congrats on your win of the book! I am also anticipating reading this book. I've read reviews on it and it seems to be a very good book. I can't figure out why it is not on the Accelerated Reading list however. You've introduced some wonderful blogs! I hope to go back and visit each one of them. thank you for sharing!

  4. These are good suggestions! You Tumblr page looks great, too!
