Monday, August 3, 2020

Windswept by Gwen Cole

Have you ever wished you could blink and be where ever you wanted to go?  Well in this book there are drifters who can travel anywhere in the world in the blink of an eye.  Sam encounters such a person on the subway one day after school, but she doesn't know it at the time.  She just knows there is a cute boy sitting across from her.  Reid (the boy) notices Sam as well.  He is a drifter and has dropped out of school, doesn't have a job and is homeless.  He has one friend, Jake, who is also a drifter from Australia.  As Sam and Reid begin to get to know one another he shares his secret with her and she begins to travel the world.  Sam also starts to learn her family has kept secrets from her after they leave on a weekend trip.  Reid learns about drifters starting to go missing and no one can find them.  Sam and Reid begin working together to try to solve the mystery, but will they solve it before they get caught?

Told in two voices, the book reads pretty quickly and after the beginning of them getting to know one another I couldn't quit reading.  I think boys and girls will enjoy this book, and I think it is perfect for middle school or high school.  I could see this turning into a series...please?  

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