Sunday, August 2, 2020

City of Gold by Will Hobbs

The Hollowell family has moved to Colorado to start over after their dad died.  Owen wakes up one night to his mules whinnies and discovers they have been stolen.  He tracks them and finds them, but the man who stole them threatens to shoot him so her returns home.  As he tells his mom what happened they come up with a plan and he sets off to find where the man takes them.  He arrives in a mining town and finds his mules, Hercules and Peaches, but can't seem to get them back.  Then his younger brother Till shows up and they convince the sheriff to go after the mule rustler.  

This is not my favorite historical book, but it did give a lot of history and information about the west and the mining era.  The author also included a note at the end with lots of history and his research from writing the book.  Would be good for older elementary and up.  

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