Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Unmapped Chronicles: The Bickery Twins and the Phoenix Tear by Abi Elphinstone


Fox and Fibber are twins who are also rivals.  Their parents have their own businesses and have pitted the twins against each other.  When Fibber runs off they end up in an antique store and find a marble that actually is a Phoenix tear.  The shop owner sends them off to help the Unmapped worlds and Fibber hops on a train to escape Fox, but he jumps on at the last minute with her.  They end up heading to Junglestop and find out it is being destroyed by a harpy.  It is up to the two of them to learn how to work together to help save the area and get rid of the harpy.

Fun story, but Fibber learns that she and Fox need to be brother/ sister, not rivals and they both learn to stand up to their parents and just be kids.

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