Friday, May 1, 2020

Throwback: The Chaos Loop by Peter Lerangis (book 2)

The second book in the Throwback series. Throwback Book 1 review

Corey Fletcher saved his grandmother in book 1 and now he wants to save the world.  With him being a "throwback", someone who can time travel and CHANGE what happened, he has determined he needs to fix the world, in particular Hitler and the Holocaust. His grandfather warns him of time travelling too much because of transspeciation (changing into another species) like some other time travellers have done.  They really don't know how or why it happens and each one is different, so Corey is not too worried about it.  He just will look for the signs:  hair growing in odd places, weird food cravings, etc. He talks Laila into going with him, since she knows how to speak German.  As they go back things of course do not work out like they think it will and they change events, but not anything big until the end of the book.

Was very slow at the beginning, but picked up once they were travelling.  

Bitmoji Image

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