Sunday, May 17, 2020

Glitch by Laura Martin

My favorite book so far this year!  Regan and Elliot are students at The Academy, a school for those who glitch or time travel, and they are pretty much enemies.  Regan is the daughter of the commander for the academy and Elliot thinks she has attitude and is obnoxious.  Elliot thinks he knows everything and he has the correct answer all the time.  They are sanctioned by the US to time travel and make sure history stays like it is.  There is another organization called Mayhem that glitches to change history. Those people are called a Butterfly, as in they create a butterfly effect by changing one thing it changes many things.  There is also a thing called a Cocoon, which is a warning about the future and could change things.  Regan and Elliot find a note addressed to Regan in her OWN handwriting that changes their path and in turn creates a way they change the future, but for the better.  

Martin left the end finished, but also with a new Cocoon find that could be the start of a new book!  I hope so!
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