Saturday, May 16, 2020

The Girl in the White Van by April Henry


Savannah is fairly new in town, her mom moves them around a lot based on the current boyfriend she has.  As she leaves for kung fu class her mom's boyfriend argues with her and takes her cell phone and she runs out the door.  After class she leaves and Daniel offers to walk her home, but she tells him her mom is in the parking lot to drive her home (which is not true).  As she reaches the parking lot she is grabbed and she tries to fight him off, but he tasers her and she is knocked unconscious.  As she awakens in the back of a van she determines to escape and opens the door and jumps out in the process breaking her arm and getting a concussion.  She is delivered to an RV where another girl, Jenny, who has been missing 10 months is.  Savannah's fighting spirit makes her want to escape with Jenny, but at what cost will it be for her and Jenny?

My kind of book. Keeps you reading and wondering what will happen next.  The book is told in multiple viewpoints, but not hard to keep up with.  

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