Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Wicked King by Holly Black (Folk of the Air 2)

The Cruel Prince, Cardan, has become The Wicked King in this sequel.  After discovering Oak, Jude's brother, is a heir to the throne, Jude installed Cardan to the throne to hold Oak's place.  As she serves as his advisor,  she influences him to make decisions that will favor the best for the kingdom and for her.  She reconciles with Tayrn and Taryn prepares for her marriage to Locke wanting to have Jude there, but Locke is still playing games between the sisters for his own enjoyment.  Through all the deception she comes to find out someone she trusts has betrayed her and she ends up Undersea in prison.  As Cardan and Madoc make a bargain to release her she ends up making a deal with Cardan that ultimately ruins her plans for it all. 

Jude fights her feelings for Cardan throughout this entire book and he fights his for her as well.  Hopefully the next book will resolve that conflict. :) 

Still has violence and a little stronger suggested scene.  I probably would suggest for HS. 

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