Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Cruel Prince by Holly Black (Folk of the Air 1)

Wow! What a ride. The book starts out pretty bloody... Madoc (a faerie) has come to the mortal world to collect his daughter, Vivienne. His wife, a mortal, stole her away 9 years ago and has created a new life that includes twin daughters, Jude and Taryn. Madoc ends up murdering her and her husband and taking all 3 girls to Faerie to live. He raises Taryn and Jude as his own. As Jude tells the story we see the difficulty of growing up mortal in a faerie world. Jude tries to please Madoc and becomes good with a sword and strategy, but he still won't let her fight to become a knight. When Prince Dain approaches her to become a spy for him, she accepts if he will grant her protection from anyone glamouring her to do what they want. As she spies for him she begins to notice he is not the just Prince she thought he was and at the coronation for him, almost the whole royal family is murdered, she begins to devise a way to make sure she has a place in the faerie world as well as make sure a proper king will sit on the throne.

8th and up for violence and some suggested scenes.

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