Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Book Scavenger by Jennifer Chambliss Bertman

Books, ciphers, prizes, what's not to love?  Emily's family is on the move, literally.  They are trying to live in all 50 states.  This time they are headed to San Francisco, CA.  She is trying to stay positive because the creator of Book Scavenger lives there.  As they are driving into town, however they see a huge crime scene and she later finds out that Garrison Griswold, the creator of Book Scavenger, was mugged!  As they move into their apartment, she meets James, a kid who LOVES puzzles.  As Emily shares Book Scavenger with him, they begin to puzzle together Griswold's new game.  But the stakes are high because she is not the only one looking for the prize.

Very similar to Mr. Lemoncello's Library.

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