Wednesday, June 12, 2019

More to the Story by Hena Khan

Available September 2019

"In a matter of weeks, Baba got a new job and moved across the world, Bisma got sick and has to be in the hospital, and I messed up everything with Ali and the paper.  How did my whole life get turned upside down so quickly?"

Jameela is in 7th grade and has been selected to be a features editor for her school newspaper.  She is so privileged and honored and hopes to be the editor in Chief next year.  She has 3 sisters:  Maryam, the oldest, Bisma, the third, and Aleeza, the baby.  Jam has two best friends, Lily and Kayla.  They are true friends.  Ali moves from the UK to live with his Aunt and Uncle.  His mom and little sister will be coming over to live shortly.  Jam has to deal with lots of different things as her life takes a tailspin.  I think the quote above pretty much sums up the book.

Great book for windows/ mirrors for Pakistani/ Muslim diversity and kids dealing with cancer from the outside.

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