Wednesday, June 26, 2019

24 Hours in Nowhere by Dusti Bowling

Nowhere, Arizona - Gus is 13 and lives with his grandma. His dad took off when he was 6.  He is bullied by Bo Taylor, who shoves Gus's face in a cactus.  Rossi trades her motorbike to save Gus from the cactus and Gus decides to try to get it back for her.  Bo tells Gus he has to go into Dead Frenchman's cave and get gold.  No one has ever gone into the mine and come out alive.  Gus decides to do it.  Along the way Rossi, his old friend Jessie, and Matthew, one of Bo's pals, comes with him.  They find not only a treasure, but themselves as well.

AWESOME book! 

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