Saturday, June 1, 2019

Just South of Home by Karen Strong

Sarah and her younger brother Ellis are staying home alone for the first time this summer!  No more working for their grandma, Mrs. Greene.  But just when they think it's great they find out their cousin Janie has to stay while her momma goes to California to do screen tests for commercials.  Janie is a sticky finger, negative, and trouble causing cousin!  UGH.  As Sarah tries to entertain Janie, she gets sucked into a ghost story and sees actual ghosts.  Between Sarah, Janie, Ellis and their friend Jasper they must figure out how to break the curse and keep the ghosts away.  

Lots of history set in Georgia of sharecroppers, KKK, and family secrets.  Does have some spirituality (seance, voodoo, etc.).  

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