Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Jennifer Chan is not Alone by Tae Keller


Jennifer Chan moves to a small town in Florida from Chicago with her mother.  Her dad had died when she was younger.  She happens to move across the street from Mallory Moss.  Mal is best friends with Reagan and Tess.  Mal really cares what people think of her and being accepted.  When Mal meets Jennifer for the first time, Jennifer shares that she trusts Mal enough to tell her she believes in aliens, yeah, those kind of outer space aliens. Mal knows that is not something she can share with her friends because it will be bad for Jennifer.  As school begins Mal notices Jennifer is not really fitting in anywhere, and she feels bad, but not enough to do anything.  Soon Jennifer is missing(did she run away or did aliens abduct her?) and Mal decides it is up to her to find her.  

Told in part present and part past (great for teaching flashback) it is a struggle of fitting in, making the right choice, and not always knowing what others are going through.  Mal also struggles with figuring out who she is, who she truly is.  Is she a mean girl or just making mistakes?  Very relatable for middle schoolers.  I also think that this book is not all perfect people, perfect ending, etc.  

To me this book was okay,  however it is setting with me and I'm thinking on it.  I would recommend it to my students.  

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