Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Cautionary Tales by Ridley Pearson

California wildfires are happening so school has been cancelled.  Billie and Tim have gone to work with their parents at Disney Studios.  Tim loves helping in the archives with inventory and stuff, but he's been told to "NOT TOUCH ANYTHING".  Billie loves reading scary stories that involve Disney Villians.  Tim discovers a covered Mirror and it shows him with different masks on.  When he takes one off another shows up and he can never get to his real face.  He tries to show Billie, but she doesn't see it.  After she leaves he ends up getting sucked into the mirror and he is in Beauty and the Beast's story and the Enchantress has said he can't leave unless he gets her the handheld mirror.  In the real world Tim is missing and Billie decides to check out the mirror they were looking at earlier.  She sees the handheld mirror behind her in the mirror, but doesn't see it when she turns around.  When she feels it behind her she is also transported into the mirror. The question is will they ever get out?

Definitely for Disney fans.  Present day story is interspersed with Disney Villian stories until they pretty much become one story.  


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