Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Gone to the Woods: Surviving a Lost Childhood by Gary Paulsen

 Gary Paulsen shares his growing up starting when he was five.  His mother had him entertaining men at bars for her in Chicago, his grandmother intervenes and sends him to live with his aunt and uncle in Minnesota.  His uncle takes him under his wing, teaching him the woods, farming, and how to be a man.  Sadly, his mother swoops back in and takes him across the sea to the Philippines to live with his dad, who is in the Army.  His mom and dad fight a lot and Gary escapes by hiding in the basement and creating hisself a place of his own.  As his family moves back to the states, Gary continues living a hard life trying to escape his house and going out on his own.  

Great story giving us a glimpse into the life of the man Paulsen is today and where some of his stories came from.  Has some deep issues that may not be for younger readers.  

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