Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Gold Spun by Brandie June

 Eleanor (Nor) is homeless and lives with her 3 brothers in the woods.  They survive by hoaxing people with a magic elixir.  One day as she is scoping out the town on her return to her brothers she runs into a man in the woods who is lost, as she pick-pockets a gold ring she seals her fate.  On her return home she encounters a couple of men who have captured a fairy and she helps the fairy escape.  The fairy, Pel, tells her he owes her a favor and gives her a way to contact him along with a rope of gold.  This gives her an idea of a con, spinning straw into gold.  She and her brothers work up the con and go to town to make some money, when the man she pick-pocketed shows up.  He is the new king! He recognizes her and his ring and sees her conning his people.  He takes her to the castle to spin gold for the court and Nor has to call on Pel to help her.  

A wonderful retelling of Rumpelstiltskin.  June does a great job of adding in details and filling in the story.  It left me hanging at the end and I'm glad to report there will be a second book to make a duology.  


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