Valor Luck's employer has passed away recently, but they were supposed to travel on the Titanic to America. Val decides to continue with their plans, even though she is Chinese/ British and is looked down upon. She is denied boarding, but sneaks on board and assumes the identity of her employer by wearing a veil and claiming she is a recent widow. Her brother Jamie is also on board and as she finds him to propose her plan, she wants them to audition for the Ringling Brother's Circus. The owner is onboard, but Jamie is not interested in auditioning or going to America. As Val and her brother work out the details, the prejudice of Chinese and her lie of who she is begins to catch up to her, then the unthinkable happens.
Good historical account of Chinese passengers, who are never brought up in accounts of the Titanic. Interesting back story and kept me interested, but most of the story is at the beginning, not much about the sinking and then the afterwards left me wanting more.