Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Elephant in the Room by Holly Goldberg Sloan

Sila and her family moved to the US around 8 years ago.  Sila's mother had an issue with her immigration papers and returned to Turkey to clear things up thinking she would only be gone a few days.  It is now a year later and her mother can't seem to get things fixed.  Sila and her father are making due.  Her father is a auto mechanic and she attends school, but she has become withdrawn and her teachers and counselor become worried.  She doesn't share with them what is going on with her mother.  As she is paired up with an autistic kid, Mateo, they have trouble communicating, until a chance encounter with a man.  Her dad is called to fix an old truck for a man named Gio, whose wife was Sila's 2nd grade teacher.  Gio has recently won the lottery and his wife has passed away.  A connection forms with Gio and Sila and he ends up buying an old circus elephant and houses it on his large estate.  Sila and Mateo end up becoming friends through helping Gio take care of Veda (the elephant).

A lovely story about lonely people bonding and perfect timing.  I listened to the audiobook and didn't want to stop.  Great character development, real problems, a look into immigration problems and learning not to judge people.


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