Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Rule of Three's by Marcy Campbell

 Maggie's life is going along pretty well, she has two best friends, Olive and Rachel,  one of which seems to be pulling away.  Her parent's "almost divorced" several years ago, but seem fine now and suddenly a boy shows up, Tony.  Tony is her dad's son! Her half-brother!  His mom is in rehab for drugs and she sent him to live with them while she gets her life together.  On top of that her grandmother is dealing with Alzheimer's and will have to move into a memory facility.  Maggie is trying to hold it all together.  She loves designing and when a school contest comes up to decorate parts of the school she and her two friends sign up.  They are called BFF, but Rachel doesn't seem to be up to participating, which just leaves her and Olive to finish the project.  Maggie's life comes to a head and she blows, but in the end pulls everything back together and realizes what is truly important.

It was okay.  It wasn't a book that I just loved and I had to make myself go back to keep reading.  Not my fav...

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