Monday, January 18, 2021

Three Keys (Front Desk #2) by Kelly Yang

 *disclosure:  I have not read Front Desk yet.

Mia Tang is back.  Her family now owns the Calivista Motel.  They are making improvements and making their investors happy, by successfully renting rooms and making money!  There is an election coming up in the state of California for the governor and he has a proposition on the table to get rid of illegal citizens and their children cannot attend school.  Mia's friend, Lupe, happens to be illegal.  Throughout the book, Mia learns how to stand up for those who can't even when it costs her and her family.  She also learns how to befriend Jason even though his dad used to own the motel and treated her family poorly.  Mia also helps others become better versions of themselves including her teacher!   

Great read.  Fine for upper elementary and up.  

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