Monday, January 18, 2021

The True Definition of Neva Beane by Christine Kendall

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this book!  

Geneva Beane is home for the summer with her grandma, grandad, and brother.  Her parents are overseas as her mom and dad are trying to get their music career started with a singer.  Clay, her brother, is working at Swim Club, but is also getting involved in some protests in their community even though the grandparents and parents have said no.  Neva is hanging out with her best friend Jamila, but she also sees the new girl Michelle across the street and is fascinated by her dress and body.  Neva's body is changing, she just got a bra, and she is struggling with where she fits in.  She feels like everyone has someone or something except her.  She wants to do the right thing, but she is also curious about the protests, and feels lonely with Jamila getting to head off on a trip.  She really just wants her parents to come home.  

Totally recommend this book for upper elementary and up.  Great story and lessons about growing up, accepting yourself, and being strong.  


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