Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The Opposite of Innocent by Sonya Sones

Available September 4, 2018

Lily, 14 y.o., has been crushing on her parent's friends Luke for years.  He is back in the states and her parents invite him to stay with them until he finds a place of his own.  Lily thinks finally he will notice her, but he treats her just like he always did.  A little girl.  As she continues wanting him to notice her, she thinks he starts to, but does he really?  One day as he picked her up, he ends up kissing her and an inappropriate relationship starts.  Luke tells her they can't tell anyone, because they wouldn't understand.  Lily starts to get nervous and scared when she is around him.  She's also scared to tell.  What should she do and how does she get him to stop?

Written in Free Verse.  I felt a little uncomfortable reading this.  Definitely high school book.

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