Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Greystone Secrets: The Strangers by Margaret Peterson Haddix

Available March 2, 2019

LOVE it!  I don't think I've read or heard of any book like it.  But it did remind me of "Stranger Things" a little which I can use to promote it to my students!  What a novel concept of an alternative world with our doppelgangers there.  Really gave me something to think about. 

There is mystery and intrigue from the beginning.  Three kids with their exact names and birthdays go missing in Arizona and then the Greystone kid's mom has to go somewhere on business and they must stay with a lady who they've never stayed with before.  They still go back to their house to check on their cat and when they do they find their mom's cell phone pre-programmed with text messages to them, her laptop, and the key to a room in the basement.  They discover that it has a secret tunnel to another house.  As they start to research about the missing kids, their mom's website designs, and other clues they begin to realize there is an alternate world and they are from there.

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