Monday, October 18, 2021

The Seventh Raven by David Elliott

 Disclaimer:  I listened to the audiobook.

Written in verse this book tells the story of  a family of 7 boys.  All named Jack except the 7th is Robyn.  The dad's name is Jack as well and he would like a daughter.  Mom, Jane, also wants a daughter, and their wish comes true, but on the day of her birth, she is dying and the dad wishes to trade all his boys for one girl and the 7 boys turn into ravens.  As the daughter grows she realizes something is being kept from her, and once she realizes she had 7 brothers she goes on a journey to find them.

The cover is AMAZING, but this is one of the weirdest books I have ever read/ listened to.  It's not long at all, but I kept hoping it would get better. The narrators were great and there were several, but the story is just to out there and doesn't even come close to making sense in parts.  Also the ending leaves much to be desired.  It's just not a clean ending.

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