Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Mine by Delilah S. Dawson

 Lily and her family are moving from Colorado to Florida for her dad's job.  Something happened in Colorado, and Lily's parents are always telling her to settle down and not be so dramatic.  As Lily moves into their new house she realizes why they could afford it, a hoarder lived there and it is in pretty bad shape.  As she and her mom begin to clean the house out, weird things happen.  green gook bubbles up out of the toilet, sink and shower and then disappears.  Lily's room  is tossed and messed up, things she knew she put in one place find their way back.  As Lily and a friend begin to investigate the house's history they discover there were deaths there and one little girl who died there is not happy Lily is there.

Super creepy!  Ghosts, danger, and a book that kept me reading.  

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