Friday, November 27, 2020

Whispering Pines by Heidi Lang & Kati Bartkowski

In the vein of Stranger Things type story with other dimensions...

Rae's dad went missing and her mom has moved them to Whispering Pines.  But there are weird goings-on there.  The summer before four kids were playing hide and seek and three of them ended up with their eyes missing... the fourth was left behind.  Caden is Rae's neighbor and kind of a loner who is considered weird because he has psychic abilities, his mother talks to ghosts, and he sprinkles salt to ward off evil.  But Caden also has a deep secret that he will need to share with Rae and his mother before they will be able to solve what is happening in the town.  

Great supernatural story, some gory parts (eyes missing), lots of action and mystery to solve.  Looking forward to the sequel.  


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