Sunday, September 13, 2020

Embassy of The Dead by Will Mabbitt

Such a fun book.  It reminded me a little of Skulduggery Pleasant books.  

Jake accidentally accepts a box from a man.  The box holds the severed finger and once he opens it he starts a chain of events that will cause him to lie to his parents, find out he is sensitive to ghosts and have to run for his life.  The severed finger belongs to one of the 12 Grim Reapers, who was buried and is now trying to be raised to take over the world.  Jake along with Stiffkey, the undertaker, and Cora, the ghost, are trying to get to the Embassy of the Dead to return the finger and also make sure they don't get sent to the Eternal Void.  

Loved this book.  Very fast read, first in a series, and lots of themes.

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