Friday, July 3, 2020

The Lost City (Omte #1) by Amanda Hocking

Disclaimer:  I have not read any of the other Trylle books.

Ulla was abandoned as a baby at an inn and then ends up being a nanny for a family with 6 kids. She wonders who her family is, who her mom who abandoned her is.  The family she works for has a connection to the royal family and is able to get her an internship in Mimirin, where she can  work for them and in her free time research her family.  She does not have a lot to go on, just a name Orra, a story about the woman and the night she left her the man who raised her told her, and papers she has gathered.  As she begins her travel she is supposed to drop off  Hanna at her paternal grandparents  house, but Hanna stows away and ends up with Ulla in Mimirin.  As Ulla begins her internship, Hanna befriends a strange girl, Eliana, who apparently has amnesia.  Hanna, Ulla, and Dagny (the roommate) try to help Eliana remember who she is and where she came from more and more strangeness occurs.  Ulla has her blood tested for genetics and  she finds out one parent is Omte, but the other they have no idea, and it has some similarity to Eliana's blood.  As things wrap up in this first book it gets pretty intense and surprisingly makes me want to read the next book. 

I think this a great book for people who love fantasy other world type books (troll world) and like a series.  I think this book would be fine for strong readers in 6th grade and up.  No cussing, sex, or violence (really).
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