Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Amina by J. L. Powers (Through My Eyes series)

Amina lives in war torn Somalia.  Al-Shabaab has taken over their town of Mogadishu.  Amina lives with her mother, father (who is a famous artist), brother Roble, and her grandmother.  Her mother is pregnant.  Her father is an artist who is controversial and many Al-Shabaab doesn't like his message.  One day they come for him and take him away.  As Amina and Roble go to find their uncle, Roble is also taken by Al-Shabaab and there are only the women left.  Now, they have no income form her father's paintings and start to struggle to feed themselves.  Great first person point of view of what it could have been like to live in that situation.

The book was a little slow at the beginning and the words were a little confusing until I got used to them, but it did finally take off and was a good survival story.

book trailer

Author video

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